Designer Lynx

Figma tips & tricks

Special shout out to Nitish Khagwal @nitishkmrk for letting us use his wonderful collection of tips & tricks. Follow him on twitter for more figma tips and design system knowledge.

Private Components

Private Components

Start component name with either <md>_<md> or <md>.<md> to prevent it from independently publishing to the team library.

Private Styles

Private Styles

Start colour or text style name name with either <md>_<md> or <md>.<md> to prevent it from independently publishing to the team library.

Move Published Components

Move Published Components

Cut a published component with <md>⌘ X<md>

Open a different file and paste component with <md>⌘ V<md>

Publish the pasted component.

Move Published Styles

Move Published Styles

Go to Color Styles, Right-click on the respective style and select “Cut Style”

In destination library file, go to Color Styles, right-click any style and select “Paste Style”

Bulk Components

Bulk Components

Select multiple layers and click the <md>components<md> dropdown from the toolbar.

Select Create multiple components from the menu.

Detach all Nested Instances

Detach all Nested Instances

Open Quick Actions using <md>⌘ /<md>

Start typing <md>Detach all nested instances<md> to detach all instances within selection.

Search with Component Tags

Search with Component Tags

Add tags or related terms in component descriptions to search them in the figma asset panel.

Preserve Color Overrides

Preserve Color Overrides

Use the same layer name and hierarchy inside different components to preserve color property while swapping nested instances or components.

Variants Switch

Variants Switch

In main component, set variant property value to either <md>true/false<md>, <md>yes/no<md>, or <md>on/off<md> to generate a toggle switch for instance’s property displayed in the design panel.

Mapping Text Overrides

Mapping Text Overrides

To map text overrides, keep the exact name of respective text layers in different variants or components.

Resync Text Layer Name

Resync Text Layer Name

Delete the layer name and keep it blank to resync with the text layer's value.

Pin Objects with Constraints

Pin Objects with Constraints

Set constraints to pin object's position relative to its parent container while resizing.

Fluid Grid with Constraints

Fluid Grid with Constraints

For a fluid resizing behaviour, add Column Grid to parent frame and set child element’s horizontal constraint toleft and right.

Ignore Constraints

Ignore Constraints

Press and hold <md>⌘<md> and resize frame or layer temporarily ignoring the constraints.

Pin Objects in Auto Layout

Pin Objects in Auto Layout

Select child of an auto layout frame and click icon (to the left) to enable absolute position.

Absolute positioned object pins relative to its parent auto layout frame on resizing.

Setting Zero Width or Height

Setting Zero Width or Height

Use 0.001 to set width or height to perfect 0.

Auto layout CSS Shorthand

Auto layout CSS Shorthand

Use <md>,<md> to define top and bottom padding in vertical padding field.

Use <md>,<md> to define left and right padding in horizontal padding field.

Adjust Individual Corner Radius

Adjust Individual Corner Radius

Select shape, hold down <md>⌥<md>and hover over the corner until its radius handle appears. Drag the icon below to adjust the radius.

Swap Fill and Stroke

Swap Fill and Stroke

Select a shape and press <md>⇧ X<md> to swap the fill and stroke

Styles Copy/Paste

Styles Copy/Paste

Select an object and press <md>⌥ ⌘ C<md> to copy its style, select a different object and press  <md>⌥  V<md> to apply the style.

Individual Style  Copy/Paste

Individual Style Copy/Paste

Select a fill, stroke or effect property from design panel. Press <md>⌘ C<md> to copy. Select destination object and press  <md>⌥  V<md> to apply the style.

Default Properties/Styles

Default Properties/Styles

Select an object with desired property and set its property as default for all other new objects.

Quick Opacity

Quick Opacity

Select layer and type a number between <md>0<md> and <md>100<md> to change the opacity.

Press <md>0<md> once for 100% opacity and twice for 0% opacity.

Paste as Fill

Paste as Fill

Copy image to clipboard from external apps or select object and “Copy as PNG” in Figma.

To paste copied image as fill, select shape and press <md>⌘ V<md>

Place Images

Place Images

Choose multiple images and press <md>⇧ ⌘ K<md> to place images either on existing objects as fill or directly on the canvas.

Paste to Replace

Paste to Replace

Press <md>⌘ C<md> to copy an object.

Select objects and press <md>⌘ ⇧ R<md> to replace selected objects.

Separate Stroke and Fill

Separate Stroke and Fill

Object -> Outline Stroke (press <md>⇧ ⌘ O<md>) converts the path into a vector object and separates stroke from the fill.

Flatten Rotation Angle & Corner Radius

Flatten Rotation Angle & Corner Radius

Press <md>⌘ E<md>) to flatten rotation angle & corner radius.

Round to Pixel

Round to Pixel

Select an object and use round to pixel function to change positions from fractional to nearest whole pixels.

Rounded Corners Text

Rounded Corners Text

Union text layer with text or shape layer to apply corner radius while keeping text editable.

Text Auto Width/Height

Text Auto Width/Height

Double-click on text's bounding box to set both width and height to “auto”.

Text to Numbered List

Text to Numbered List

Press <md>⇧ ⌘ 7<md> to convert a text list to a numbered list.

Text to Bulleted List

Text to Bulleted List

Press <md>⇧ ⌘ 8<md> to convert a text list to a numbered list.

Increase Font Size

Increase Font Size

Select text layer and use the keyboard shortcut <md>⌘ ⇧ ><md> to quickly increase the font size.

Decrease Font Size

Decrease Font Size

Select text layer and use the keyboard shortcut <md>⌘ ⇧ < <md>to quickly decrease the font size.

Add Links to Text

Add Links to Text

Select a text layer or a selection of text and press <md>⌘ K<md> to create a link.

Paste as Plain Text

Paste as Plain Text

Press <md>⌘ ⇧ V<md> to ignore decorations and paste copied text as plain text.

Increase Font Weight

Increase Font Weight

Select text layer and press <md>⌘ ⌥ > <md> to quickly increase the font weight.

Decrease Font Weight

Decrease Font Weight

Select text layer and press <md>⌘ ⌥ < <md> to quickly decrease the font weight.

Scale Tool

Scale Tool

Press <md>K<md> to scale text, radius, strokes & effects proportionally.

Resize to Fit

Resize to Fit

Press <md>⌥ ⇧ ⌘ R<md> to re-adjust the dimensions of frame to its content.

Frame Selection

Frame Selection

Press <md>⌥ ⌘ G<md> to create a frame around a selected object.

Clean Up

Clean Up

Press <md>⇧ ⌘ G<md> to ungroup and clean up frame, autolayout or group.

Resize Width

Resize Width

Press <md>⌘ ▶<md> to increase width and <md>⌘ ◀<md> to decerase width.

Resize Height

Resize Height

Press <md>⌘ ▼<md> to increase height and <md>⌘ ▲<md> to decrease height.

Flip Horizontally

Flip Horizontally

Press <md>⇧ H<md> to flip objects horizontally over the Y axis.

Flip Vertically

Flip Vertically

Press <md>⇧ V<md> to flip objects vertically over the X axis.

Math Operations

Math Operations

Select object and perform mathematic operations directly in design panel fields using <md>()<md>, <md>/<md>, <md>*<md>, <md>+<md>, <md>-<md>.

Mixed Math Operations

Mixed Math Operations

Select multiple objects and perform mathematic operations on all selected objects at once.

Percentage Values

Percentage Values

Select object and calculate values using <md>%<md> in design panel fields.

Increase Value in Multiples of X

Increase Value in Multiples of X

Select object and calculate values in multiple of default value by prefixing <md>x<md> in design panel fields.

Customize Nudge Amount

Customize Nudge Amount

Set custom small and big nudge amounts to use across both viewport or layer properties.

Scrub Field

Scrub Field

Press <md>⌥<md> | <md>Alt<md> over field and drag to increase or decrease the respective values.

Big Nudge in Property Fields

Big Nudge in Property Fields

Press <md>⇧ ▲<md> to increase value by big nudge. Press <md>⇧ ▼<md> to decrease value by big nudge.

Quick Frame Rename

Quick Frame Rename

Double-click on frame's name to edit without leaving the canvas.

Hexcode Shorthands

Hexcode Shorthands

Figma smartly handles hexcode shorthand notations.

x11 Color System

x11 Color System

Figma accepts x11 color name and converts it into respective hexcode.

Selection Colors

Selection Colors

Make a selection of different objects and quickly change the colors of selected objects from the design panel.

Duplicate Object

Duplicate Object

Press <md>⌘ D<md> to duplicate an object, or select object, press <md>⌥<md> and drag to create a duplicate object.

Quick Crop

Quick Crop

Select layer and press and hold <md>⌘<md> then use layer bounds to quickly crop the layer.

Annotate on Canvas

Annotate on Canvas

Use pencil tool from toolbar or press <md>⇧ P<md> to quickly annotate frames or objects on the canvas.

Select Parent

Select Parent

Press <md>⇧ ↩<md> to move layer selection inside nested layers to parent.

Select Children

Select Children

Press <md>↩<md> to move layer selection to direct nested child layers.

Focus Layer

Focus Layer

Double-click layer's icon to quickly re-focus viewport to respective layer's content.

Zoom to Frame

Zoom to Frame

Press <md>N<md> to switch to the next frame. Press <md>⇧ N<md> to switch to the previous frame.

Zoom to Fit

Zoom to Fit

Press <md>⇧ 1<md> to re-focus viewport to see everything on the current page.

Deep Select

Deep Select

Select a deeply nested child layer by left clicking while pressing the <md>⌘<md> key.

Hierarchy Menu

Hierarchy Menu

Right click the object while pressing <md>⌘<md> for quick layers hierarchy.

Neglect Nesting

Neglect Nesting

While dragging an object on viewport, press <md>spacebar<md> to prevent object to nest inside underlying frame or autolayout.

Preserve Nesting

Preserve Nesting

While dragging an object within a frame, press <md>spacebar<md> to preserve nesting.

Collapse Layers

Collapse Layers

Press <md>⌥ L<md> to collapse layers. Click on a layer while pressing <md>⌥<md> to collapse or expand nested child layers.

Copy Frame Link

Copy Frame Link

Select Frame and press <md>⌘ L<md>. If no frame is selected, the page link is copied.

Open File URL from Clipboard

Open File URL from Clipboard

Copy Figma file or frame link from your browser to clipboard and open it instantly within desktop app.

Hide Multiplayer Cursors

Hide Multiplayer Cursors

Press <md>⌥ ⌘ \<md> to hide multiplayer cursors

Hide Comments

Hide Comments

Press <md>⇧ C<md> to hide comments.

Cursor Chat

Cursor Chat

Enter cursor chat mode using <md>/<md> keyboard shortcut.

Contextual Comment

Contextual Comment

Press <md>C<md> to select the comment tool, click and drag to highlight an area for the comment.

Emoji Shorthand in Comments

Emoji Shorthand in Comments

Use <md>:<md> inside comment field to wrap emoji shorthand like:<md>ok_hand:<md> for 👌

Measure Nested Object’s Distance

Measure Nested Object’s Distance

Select the first object, hold <md>⌥ ⌘<md> and hover over the second object to see the measurement.

Measure Object’s Distance

Measure Object’s Distance

Select the first object, hold <md>⌥<md> and hover over the second object to see measurement.

Frame Outlines

Frame Outlines

Go to <md>view<md> -> <md>Frame Outlines<md> to improve visibility of frames against the background.

Hide UI

Hide UI

Press <md>⌘ \<md> to hide toolbar, sidebars, rulers, and other figma panes to focus on your work.

Toggle Panels

Toggle Panels

Press <md>⇧ E<md> to quickly toggle between Design and Prototype Panel.

Realtime Color Preview

Realtime Color Preview

Select a layer and activate Color Picker with <md>⌃ C<md>. Click and hold to start hovering on viewport to see real-time color preview on the selected object.

Batch Rename Layers

Batch Rename Layers

Press <md>⌘ R<md> to select layers and use keyboard shortcut to batch rename.

Import SVG Code

Import SVG Code

To import an SVG image,directly copy SVG code to Figma's canvas.

Switch Tabs

Switch Tabs

Switch with respective tab index <md>⌘<md>  <md>1-9<md>

Switch to next tab <md>⌃ Tab<md>.

Switch to previous tab <md>⌃ ⇧ Tab<md>

Resource Use

Resource Use

Keep track of current file resource use to avoid memory outage in large-sized files.

Recover Out of Browser Memory Limit File

Recover Out of Browser Memory Limit File

Open File in “View Only” mode and copy layers from respective page to a new file.

Open Links in Desktop App

Open Links in Desktop App

In Figma's browser version, set all links to open directly in desktop app. <md>Preferences<md> -> <md>Open Links in Desktop App<md>

Hide Help UI

Hide Help UI

Open Quick Actions using <md>⌘ /<md> keyboard shortcut. Start typing “Hide Help UI” to toggle this on or off.

Consistent sRGB Color Space

Consistent sRGB Color Space

Figma desktop app defaults to Unmanaged Color Space, which leads to color mismatch in exported image assets.

Quick New Figma File

Quick New Figma File

Type in browser's address bar to quickly create a new figma design file.

This is some text inside of a div block.